2020-11-12国際学会であるROOMVENT 2020が2021年2月15日~17日にイタリアのトリノ(Torino, Italy)で行われます。李研究室からは下記の5編の研究論文を発表し、全世界の研究者たちと意見交換を行います。詳細は下記のリンクをご参照ください。
A field measurement on energy loss through door open while air conditioner running in a commercial store
Satoko Yano, and Sihwan Lee
Roomvent 2020, 2021.02.
CFD modeling and simulation of solar shading effect on external louver
Akira Okamura, and Sihwan Lee
Roomvent 2020, 2021.02.
Study of air exchange rate and airflow characteristics by influence of human movement wake
Motoki Kondo, and Sihwan Lee
Roomvent 2020, 2021.02.
Study on the effect of packaged air conditioner on the capture efficiency of hood exhaust in commercial kitchen
Naoki Shitara, Takashi Kurabuchi, Yoshihiri Toriumi, Sihwan Lee, and Yuki Shimanuki
Roomvent 2020, 2021.02.
Reproduction of the thermal plume above commercial cooking equipment using computational fluid dynamics analysis (part 1) Validation of the RANS turbulence model for an isothermal jet
Yuki Shimanuki, Takashi Kurabuchi, Hayato Kiyosuke, Yoshihiro Toriumi, Sihwan Lee, and Yasuhisa Asawa
Roomvent 2020, 2021.02.
上記の論文を読みたい場合、又は、ROOMVENT 2020の論文梗概集が欲しい方は李研究室にお問い合わせください。
Written by Sihwan Lee
[Associate Professor, Nagoya University]