国際学会であるASim2024(The 5th Asia Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association 2024)が2024年12月08日~10日に日本の大阪(Osaka, Japan)で行われます。李研究室からは下記の4編の研究論文がアクセプトされ、発表により、全世界の研究者たちと意見交換を行います。
The non-fixed power balance between two navigation strategies; the demonstration by the controlled experiment
Takanori Nanahara, and Sihwan Lee
ASim2024, IBPSA Asia Conference, Osaka, Japan, 2024.12.
Development and verification of a floor heating with dynamic insulation
Ryunosuke Yonekura, and Sihwan Lee
ASim2024, IBPSA Asia Conference, Osaka, Japan, 2024.12.
Effects of air barrier tables in restaurants dedicated to heated tobacco products
Yuan Hirayama, and Sihwan Lee
ASim2024, IBPSA Asia Conference, Osaka, Japan, 2024.12.
Effectiveness of air leakage control measures for doors open while air conditioner is running in retail stores
Atsuki Tanaka, and Sihwan Lee
ASim2024, IBPSA Asia Conference, Osaka, Japan, 2024.12.